WB Academy ONLINE - Action Bodypainting with Mike Shane
We are happy to introduce our new programs for 2021 by the World Bodypainting Association & the World Bodypainting Festival. We have created in the past a huge amount of content which we, with our international well known WB Academy Instructors, would like to open up especillay for you together.
You can get this content now ONLINE and we are very happy to share the first session in October: "Action Bodypainting" with Mike Shane, October, 27th 2021
Mike Shane was the first to pioneer this body-painting variant, which creates masterful dynamic colour combinations that continue to "live" on his models during the performance. This new performance variation combines models and canvas to create an overall work of art. For the first time he will share his secrets and show a demonstration of how such a painting can work!
15 Euro for WBA members only
(50% discount valid until October, 2nd 2021 for WBA members only, request your voucher code: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , normal price Euro 30)